The key to a successful show is proper promotion. As we’ve now produced three shows, we’ve seen a huge difference in sales and booth traffic between dealers who utilize their platform and contacts to do business and those who solely rely on organic traffic within the show. While we do bring in thousands of potential customers into the show, in the end it is up to each exhibitor to convert potential customers into buyers. We’ve put together some tips for having a successful show and should you need any help or further explanation, please do not hesitate to reach out.
1) Social Media
Social media is one of the most powerful forms of advertisement in this day and age. We suggest utilizing Instagram, TikTok, and even Facebook to announce to your followers that you’ll be exhibiting in NYC. Posting Instagram stories is an easy way to share with your followers and IG makes it very easy to share your free ticket links (when posting a story, click the top tab that looks like a square with a smiley face, then click Link to add). Sharing 2-3 posts is opportune as well. We’d suggest posting one in late January and then one a few weeks before the show previewing items you’re bringing, and then one during the show to help drive further traffic.
Please tag us on IG at @nycjewelryantiqueandobjectshow and we will repost your stories and posts.
TIP: Meta, the parent company of FB & Instagram has made their platforms “pay to play”. Meaning that paying to have your content boosted is important as it makes it more seen. We suggest boosting each of your posts with a minimum budget of $20 each post.
2) Mailing List
A mailing list is a great and easy way to share show details and inform your customers about your show appearance. We cannot stress this enough. We suggest doing an email blast in Late January, a few weeks before the show, and during the show to drive traffic.
3) Google Ads
A few dealers reported doing very well with utilizing Google Ads. This is a more complicated means of advertising but we can guide you thru it if you DM us.
4) Postcards
Every show we send out approximately 5000-7000 postcards with show invitations via USPS’s direct mail service to wealthy zip codes in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and New Jersey. This has been a great way to attract new customers and we also place several cards in various offices around the diamond district. If you’d like postcards for your office, to include in order shipments, a poster for your shop, or more then please reach out. We are happy to order them for you or even design custom ones.